Bristol Herald Courier from Bristol, Tennessee (2024)

a a a a a a a a a Two BRISTOL HERALD COURIER, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1948 Amateur Night Show Gives Audience Really Good Time By Evelyn A jolly, happy, although not of the best shows put on in Bristol "Amateur Nite" presentation by boys club in the city. a down John. Hampton, must Negro have pianist, the audience tapped toes and as interspersed his rendition of his own composition, "Hampton and Boogie," claps- all landsliding him with resounding whistles into first place winner. He was the only Negro on the program. The prize was a $55 table and portable radio.

And anyone who could listen little 11-year-old Ray Phillips, sing "Atlanta G-A" without wanting to squeeze him is missing something somewhere. His notes were clear as a bell, but his appealing "ah wanna," deadpan expression with a startling occasional flashy smile, captivated the audience and "noised" him into second place and winner of a 21- jewel wrist watch. Ray lives in Virginia Bristol. Novelty Piano 1 Wins winner was Boyd Barnes, Third- place Tennessee High School senior, with a novelty piano act, "Down The Road Apiece," was droll and entertaining. His was a catchy act and greatly appreciated by the younger set in the audience.

prize was a flash camera, bulbs, photo lamps and film. Definitely in the running as far as applause and audience appreciation were concerned were two other exceptionally good performers. Ishmael Andrade, Brazilian tenor, rang the rafters with his fine voice as he sang "Amapola" in Spanish, playing his own accompaniment on the guitar. And surprise lady was Miss B. J.

Cason, suitry blonde in a sultry black dress singing in even sultrier tones, "The Best Things Life Are Free," only to branch out in typical Bea Lillie fashion into excellent comedienne style. She is senior at Sullins College. James Martin Swiney, 13-yearold Tennessee Bristolian, was also appreciated in his plano presentation of the difficult "Hungary," exhibiting excellent finger control and strength. Played Rachmaninoff W. A.

Farris, also ran the scales in splendid form with his medley of Rachmaninoff's "Prelude in Minor" and "KitOn The Keys." Ninth Grader Josalee Morrell of Tennessee Junior High School played "Temptation," and handled it well. She ran into difficulties with the stage piano which broke a pedal and had to repeat the number from the orchestra pita to any performer. handicap, was under the same handicap. Melba, "kick" Sykes, with her Sullins vocal student, number "Because" in Its modern form and received a good hand. Ed Love, singing accompanled by Winner Hampton; Mary Ann Bivens, 14-year-old Virginia High student, singing "He's Funny That and Betsy.

Ninninger, Bristol. singing "Out of Nowhere" in her husky voice, were the other vocal soloists, each We Specialize in RUG CLEANING, MOTH. PROOFING, WATER REPELLING GLOVER'S CLEANERS Phone 1687 ASK US for answers to your funeral questions. FUNERAL HOME DEDICATED SERVICE PHONE 647 FUNERAL Services From Your Home, Your Church Our Chapel, You Decide This and the Cost. We Do the Rest.

sympathetio service within the means of all." Blevins, PHONE 1299 II1 MOORE ST. BRISTOL, VIRGINIA TENNESSEE Woodside large, audience saw and heard one in many a day at last night's Bristol Exchange Club to promote dialoguist and vocalist, brought nearly wrecked the applause meter ceiving good applause and each making worthy efforts. Didn't Sing Mary Lawrence Walker, V. I. Student, played "Dark Eyes" on her accordion but did not give her vocal touch which adds a great deal to her performances.

She's hard to beat on that accordion. She also appeared in another number with three other V. I. girls in a quartette medley: "Swing Low Sweet Charliot" and "Ain't Gonna Study War No They were good in harmony, The other members were Pauline Lonergan, Mildred Westall and Phyllis Farmer. The performance closed with two numbers by the Glavin Sisters, "You Were Meant For Me" and "Now Is The Hour." They are always popular with audiences.

Guest Artist On Program A real high spot of the evening was Guest Artist Bob Guy, former Chicago night spot singer, who tingled the spine with three numbers from "Show Boat," displaying a remarkable voice range. ter of ceremonies, keeping the Ralph Randall was an easy tire performance on an informal basis. It may be truly said that it a "good-time" audience, with participation from all sides of the house and gala good nature all around. The door prizes were won by Peggy Curley, Tennessee High student, a hand-painted portrait at a local studio; Fred Emmert, King College student, a 25-pound Virginia ham: Mrs. James DeArmond, a $20 permanent wave; and Bobby Whiteson, pair of sun glasses.

Germans Must Produce More FRANKFURT, April 30. (AP) Germans of the British and American zones were warned tonight that their imports of raw materials will be cut unless they promore for export. "Your exports are not rising rapidly enough," W. John Logan, director of the joint Export-Import Agency, said in an address prepared for delivery over a German radio network. "We are spending money on imports far faster than we receive dollar return from exports." Cotton Men Meet MEMPHIS, April 30.

(P) -Plans for the National Cotton Council's 11th annual meeting in Los Angeles next fall will be discussed by the council's board of directors next Thursday. W. Rhea Blake, council executive ice said the spring meeting also would hear reports on current activity of several program divisions. Why EVER PAY MORE? Why St.Joseph ASPIRIN ACCEPT WORLD'S LARGEST SELLER AT 106 LESS? FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCE'S and Service Complete service or domes tie refrigeration. electrie ranges, water heaters washers and small appliances commercial refrigeration, milk cooling and air conditioning Deice Stokers.

Call your authorized dealer, Genuine parta only. Phone 492. East Tennessee Appli. ance 135 Eighth opposite Tenn courthouse. CUSTOM-BUILT VENETIAN BLINDS GARDNER EQUIPMENT COMPANY PHONE 3945 TRUSTWORTHY SERVICE Paul Cook FUNERAL HOME BEAUTIFUL MEMORIAL SERVICES FRED D.

WEAVER FUNERAL HOME We will accept 1. Huff.Cook Mutual Burial Policies in Good Standing. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC! If you have CHAIRS Borrowed from us please return them at once or call and we will pick them up. Covins Funeral PHONE 1299 Gets, Indorsem*nt Of Farm Bureau Special To The Herald Courier ABINGDON, April 30. -The Washington County Farm Bureau Federation went on record here tonight as indorsing Congressman John W.

Flannagan, for Secretary of Agriculture. The Farm Bureau made its indorsem*nt at an organization meeting during which they file elected officers at a banquet Central School. Officers of the new farm organization are Herman J. Haga, president; Baker, vice president; Dave Thomas, secretary-treasurer. Approximately 136 persons attended the banquet meeting.

Howard Zigler, president of the Virginia State Farm Bureau Federation, gave a brief talk on problems facing agriculture and how united effort could be used to solve them. M. A. Hubbard, secretary of the Virginia Bureau, spoke on farmers' problems of the past as well as those in the future. Commends Members W.

B. Rhea, farm bureau organizer for western Virginia, gave credit to local men for making the county Farm Bureau possible. He commended their efforts in obtaining memberships for the local organization. The members of the organization committee, J. R.

Baker of Three Springs Farmers Club and Cleveland Farmers Club, explained the work in organizing and framing by-laws for the county bureau. Indorse Flanagan The following resolutions were made by the members present at tonight's meeting: 1. That the Washington County Farm Bureau Mederation indorses John W. Flannagan for Secretary of Agriculture; 2. that the TVA test demonstration program on fertilizer be continued; 3.

That the Congressmen-Hope bill now in Congress to continue floor prices on farm commodities he heartily indorsed. The group voted, to extend the period during charter members could join the bureau until June 1. Special guests were Philip Earhart, president of the Sullivan County Farm Bureau, and Mrs. Earhart; Mrs. Howard Zigler; and the extension office staff.

Calf Show (Continued from page One) of Tennessee, will be the judge today. Nine counties are represented in today's show, seven Virginia two Tennessee. They Lee, Russell, Scott, Smyth, Washare Ington, Wythe, and Grayson in Virginia and Sullivan and Washington in Tennessee. Following are the entries by counties: Lee, Billy Charles FuGibson Station: Jim Tom Wheeler, Ewing; Jouette Wheeler, Ewing; David Fletcher, Jonesville; Dick Hyatt, Rose Hill; Jimmy Rosenbaum, Tonesville; Paul R. Rouse, Rose Hill; Dale Hyatt, Rose Hill; Scott: Jacqueline McClain, Gate City; Harry Harris, Gate City; Donald Clark, Duffield; Howard Jet, Hiltons; Walter Wood, Nickelsville; Jack Jennings, Gate City; Kilgore, Gate City; Fred Stallard, Nickelsville, Dallas Culbertson, Nickelsville; Jimmy Combs, Nickelsville; Entries Smyth: Tommy Tilson, Chilhowle; Albert McCallister, Chilhowie; Paige Richardson, Atkins; Goldie Buchanan, Atkins; David Cox, Marion; Gene Kelly Bonham, Speedwell; Chilhowie; Bobby Jean Hogston, Jaines, ville; Martha Eller, Mary Eller Anne Eller, Laxton Eller, and Edward Eller, all of Marion; Washington: Blair Keller, Abingdon; John C.

Berry, Abingdon; Betty H. Keller, Nancy J. Keller, Roger L. DeBusk, all of Abingdon; Wythe: Luther Havens, Wytheville; Clay Lawrence, Draper: Tommy Lawrence, Draper; John Pope, George Simmons, both of Max Meadows; William berger, Wytheville; Elizabeth Wilson, Rural Retreat: Clyde Watson, Max Meadows; Buster Wilson, Rural Retreat; Grayson: Johnnie Byrd, Galax; Russel Robert Todd, Elk Creek; Sullivan: Donald Warren, Ronald Warren, Virginia Warren, Edward King, all of Piney Flats; Billy King and Tommy King, Fordtown; Bettie Rutherford Billy Rutherford, Bluff City; John E. Childress and Harold Childress, Kingsport; Charles Jones, Joan Torbett, both of Piney Flats; Sammie Baily and George Bailey, Kingsport; Barger, Blountville: Earl Jones, Bristol, Phyllis Fordtown; Tommy Cross, Blountville; Billy Frazier, Piney Flats; Washington County, Tenn: Sam Bickley, Bristol Briefs Today is the last day for filing reports on income earned in Virginia in 1947, S.

T. Bowman, Bristol, commissioner of revenue, reminaed yesterday. All persors without dependents who earned $1,000 or more in Virginia last year, and all those married or having dependents whose income totalled $2,000 earned in Virginia, must the returns, Bowman said. Beth residents and nonresidents who earned money above the exempted amounts must file returns. LEAD BRISTOL BRIEFS Today is the deadline for payment of poll taxes by Virginians desiring to vote this year, Bristol Treasurer H.

T. (Sol) Parrish warned yesterday. Parrish's office in the courthouse will be open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. for the accommodation of those seeking to pay their I taxes.

To Celebrate Legion Day At Gate City Special To The Herald Courier. GATE April Gate City Post No. 65 of the American Legion will hold its third annual all-day celebration featuring a beauty contest, rade and wrestling match tomorrow. Visiting dignitaries for the day will be John A. Blakemore of Emory, state commander of the Department of Virginia, American Legion; W.

I. of Bristol, Ninth District commander; and George Blankenbeckler, area director of the Veterans Administration. Beauty Contest Ten high schools will be represented in the beauty contest which will be held at Taylor Theatre. Each contestant will have two attendants. Prizes for the contest are being donated by St.

Martin's Dress Shop and Count's Jewelry Store. The parade will begin at 3 p. m. at Shoemakers Gymnasium. It will be composed of the color nett High School Band, Boy guard, firing squad, Dobyns BenGirls Scouts, three service men's squads, marines, soldiers and sailors, unit of paratroopers and individual floats.

Miss Scott County who will be chosen at the beauty contest in the morning will lead the parade. The high schools of the county will be represented in the parade by beauty contestants and attendants in special floats. The wrestling match will be staged at Kane Athletic Field at 4 p. m. Truman Nominates John L.

Lewis, Jr. WASHINGTON, April 30. (P)- President Truman today nominated John L. Lewis, for appointment in the regular corps of the Public Health Service as an assistant senior surgeon. is the son of the United Mine Workers' president.

Lewis' name went to the Senate along with those of 11 other nominees for appointment as senior assistant surgeons. Henry Morgan's Wife Divorces NEW YORK, April 30. (AP)Radio Comedian Henry Morgan was sued for separation today by Mrs. Isobel Gibbs Morgan. Mrs.

Morgan asked $750 a week temporary alimony and $25,000 for her attorneys. Papers in matrimonial actions are not privileged in New York State and are not available for public inspection under supreme court rules. Bridge Collapse Kills 15 Workers BOLOGNA, Italy, April 30. (P) At least 15 workmen were killed today when a bridge they were repairing collapsed, the news agency ANSA reported. The accident occurred at Monte Castello, near Forli.

At least another five men were believed buried under debris. Rescue work was hindered by avviolent storm. Take Commie Into Custody At Havana HAVANA, April 30. Mora Valverde, exiled Costa Rican Communist leader, was taken into protective custody today upon arrival at the airport from Panama. Mora's plane was fired on yesterday when it was leaving San Jose, Costa Rica, for Panama.

An army spokesman said here that "in view of the reports that his plane had been fired on, it seemed wise to give him and his party protection, during their stay in Garry Moore To Succeed Breneman NEW YORK, April 30. (AP)--The American Broadcasting Company announced today that comedian Garry Moore will succeed the late Tom Breneman as host of the Breakfast in Hollywood program beginning Monday, May 3. Moore, who has been featured on several network shows, started in radio as writer. He changed his name from Thomas Garrison Morfit result of a radio-conducted contest to find himself new name. Breneman died last Wednesday in Hollywood.

Chiropractor J. S. HENDERSON. D. C.

WALL PHONE 99. ABINGDON. VA. NEW LOCATION Bristol Trailer Sales Now located, from Bristol, Tenn. 11.W at city gate.

Now taking orders for awnings, tric refrigerators and trailer accessorles. See the new Terra -Cruiser on display for the first time in this area. We are featuring a Daily Special Ranges Refrigerators Washing Machines See our window each day for this special PETE MOORE 110, State St. Phone 2489 BRISTOL AREA: Considerable cloudiness with showers and a high hovering around 68 degrees. VIRGINIA: Fair and warmer Saturday; Sunday considerable cloudiness with scattered showers beginning in west portion Saturday night; milder Saturday night.

WEST VIRGINIA: Considerable cloudiness and mild Saturday followed by scattered showers in afternoon or night; Sunday scattered showers followed mostly by cloudy and cooler in afternoon. TENNESSEE AND KENand warmer with scattered showTUCKY: Y. Considerable cloudiness ers in east portion Saturday night; Sunday partly cloudy and not so warm. NORTH CAROLINA: Saturday, fair and slightly warmer. ADD WEATHER Weather Bureau report of temperature for the 24 hours ending 8 p.

BRISTOL 67 H. 41 Los Angeles Asheville 69 43 Louisville 71 Atlanta 30 Memphis Boston 61 44 Miami 78 62 Chicago 06 Paul Cincinnati 36 New Orleans Denver 43 New York 48 Detroit 44 Pittsburgh Fort Worth 88 66 St. Louis 48 Jacksonville 55 Seattle Kansas City 56 Washington 71 44 Sugar Grove Girl Is Smyth Queen Weather Special. To The Herald Courier MARION, April -Miss Fredia Harrington of Sugar Grove was crowned Miss Smyth County in competition with 25 girls in a county-wide beauty contest here tonight at Lincoln Theater. Sponsored by Marion Kiwanis Club, proceeds from the contest will be used for Smyth County underprivileged children.

Harrington was presented watch crowned by Rouse. Judges, were Saul Simon John Greer, both of Radford, Kiwanis Club, and Julian White of Wytheville Kiwanis Club. N. C. Peterson was master of ceremonies.

Marion High School Chorus sang, and Miss Walladine Skillcorne 'of Sullins College. danced. U- TOTE-EM SUPER MARKET Fruits Vegetables daily. VISIT OUR VEGETABLE MARKET RAY CLOTHING COMPANY 710 STATE QUALITY CLOTHING ON EASY TERMSI Use WATT'S Salt Risen BREAD SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY Washed, Starched, DampDried, Ready to Iron in One Hour 45c per BENDIX LOAD (Up To Nine Pounds) The Washing Shop 16 Seventeenth St. Phone 2506 SELECT YOUR GRADUATION GIFTS NOW! DELTAH PEARLS, Guaranteed $3 Beautifully boxed, quality invite you to open Boucharge account.

Pay 50c ALBERT'S STATE 720 ST. ASK FOR PIE PECAN Deeee licious FHA Authority To Insure Home Loans Lapses WASHINGTON, April 30. The Federal Housing Administration's authority to insure 1 home loans lapsed tonight after the Senate bogged down in a bitter strugi gle over housing legislation, but the power is expected to be vived next week. The scrap started over how long to continue the FHA's authority, But before the Senate session was over the issue The fate of the Taft-EllenderWagner long range housing bill designed to spur the construction of 15,000 homes in the next 10 years. This bill already has been passed by the.

Senate, and now pending before the House Bankdoing Committee. One provision of the TEW bill would extend the FHA loan insurance through next March. The House has not yet acted on the T-E-W bill as a whole, but has passed a separate bill to extend the FHA loan insurance through next March. NEW EAGLE SCOUT-Phil Long of Troop 8 is shown during the presentation of his Eagle Scout pin by Scoutmaster Martin Hassinger after the Eagle Board of Review had reported and after he had taken the Eagle oath. His, father, Silas Long, presented him with the Eagle Scout certificate and Phil presented his mother with a rose to symbolize her part in his advancing to his new rank.

The ceremony was held Thursday night. Deaths and Funerals Norman 1 R. Frazier Special To The Herald Courier NATURAL TUNNEL, April Norman Richard Frazier, four-month old son of Mr. and Mrs. E.

W. Frazier, died in a Norton hospital at 9:45 p. m. Thursday after an illness of months. Surviving are his parents, one brother, Rodney Lynn; one sister, Marcella, all of Natural Tunnel; maternal grandmother, Mrs.

L. David, Big Stone Gap, and paternal grandmother, Mrs. Vinnie Frazier, Natural Tunnel. Funeral services will be held at the home at 1:30 p. m.

Sunday with Rev. W. H. Frazier officiating. Burial will follow in family cemetery near the home.

The body was moved Holding Funeral Home to the residence this afternoon. Charles W. Renfro Special To The Herald Courier WISE, April 30-Charles W. Renfro, 76, native of the Tacoma area and merchant here for 45 years, died suddenly at his home Wise Friday morning. Renfro had retired active business six years ago.

Although he carried on his business as a merchant, he served on the Wise Town Council for 14 years, as mayor for eight years, and deputy sheriff of Wise County for 12 years. Surviving are hie, widow, Mrs. Virginia Carico Renfro, one daughter, Mrs. Lottie R. Taylor, one granddaughter and one grandson.

Funeral services will be held at Wise Methodist Church at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sarah M. Frazier Special To The Herald Courier COEBURN, April 30-Funeral services for Mrs. Sarah McConnell Frazier, 87, widow of T.

Frazier, will be held at her home in the Maytown section of Coeburn at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon with Rev. H. Powell Richardson officiating. children: Mrs. Elizabeth Surviving are the following of Clio, Mrs.

Virgil MeConnell and Mrs. Hallie Griffith of Coeburn; W. G. Frazier, Leona Mine, H. Frazier of Montrose, R.

L. Frazier of Norton; two, brothers, Lilburn McConnell Kingsport, and W. F. McConnell of Coeburn: one sister, Mrs. R.

H. Meade of Coeburn; 19 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren. Wiley McCracken Compton Special To The Herald Courier DANTE. April 30 The ton, body 27, of Wiley McCracken Comp: mandy in July, 1944, arrived in St. Paul today, He is survived by his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Wiley E. Compton of Dante. Also surviving are three brothers, Berry and Arnold, both of Dante; and Woodrow of Hazel, two half brothers, Harry Baxter, Philadelphia; and Mack Baxter, Detroit, and a half sister, Mrs. Ted Bise, Millard, The bodye will remain at Huff Cook Funeral Home in St.

Paul until i it is brought the residence here at 11 a.m. tomorrow. Funeral services will be at 1 p.m. Sunday at the grave in Temple Hill Cemetery, The Rev. A.

Monday and the Rev. Robert Dingus will conduct. Members ot the American Legion will be bearers and present. military honors. Special Program At First Baptist All classes of the adult department of the First Baptist Church, the Men's Bible Class, Philathea, Forum, Business Women's, T.E.L., Friendship and classes, will meet for opening exercises at 9:45 a.m.

Sunday, when a special program will be given. The program will include sing1ng by a men's quartet consisting of, Charles Goodwin, Rollin Brake, Jim McCord and John Stone, with Miss Ruth Frey at the piano. Visiters are invited. And They Thought Spring Was Here ST. JOHNSBURY, April 30.

-New England's harsh winter played an encore in St. Johnsbury today as rain changed to snow and blanketed the city. The snow began falling "quite heavily" about 5 p. and was still coming down strong more than an hour later. The temperature was about 32 degrees.

And just when some optimistic residents actually were beginning to believe it was spring. New Allotment Of Recovery Goods Approved WASHINGTON, April 30. (AP) A new $15,969,000 allotment of recovery today goods to Europe Economic was Co- approved operation Administration. This is the first sizeable shipment of U. S.

financed goods from outside the United States. It brings to $74,270,000 the total of foreign aid authorized by value, three-week old agency. Ocean freight will add $5,366,000 to the costs. Western Germany, ECA chief Paul G. Hoffman announced, will supply $6,455,000 worth of coal and grain seeds to France, Italy, Austria and Netherlands.

This is in addition to American shipments to the same countries. Senate Probe Of Meat Strike Asked WASHINGTON, April 30. Senator Edwin C. Johnson (D-Colo) today asked a Senate investigation of the meat strike. He told the Senate he is "firmly convinced" the packing companies more concerned with smashing the union of their employes" than in settling the six-week-old dispute.

Johnson introduced a resolution for an investigation by the Senate Labor Committee. GE Laboratory Blast Kills One SCHENECTADY, N. April 30. (P)-A chemical explosion wrecked an entire floor of the General Electric Company's Research Laboratory Building this afternoon. workman, not identified immediately, was hurled through -a window and killed.

He was the only known fatality. G-E officials said another worker was injured. The specific cause of the blast was not announced. Pan-American Pacts Signed BOGOTA, Colombia, April 30. of the 21 American Republics formally approved and signed today a series of pacts binding them into a solid regional bloc under the United Nations.

The signing ceremony was held the of Simon famed South American Liberator, 'One More Effort' To Negotiate With Russia Is Urged BOSTON, April 30. (P) A leading Methodist editor tonight urged the United States Government to "make one more effort" to negotiate with Russia. The Rev. Dr. L.

Smith of Chicago, editor of the official Methodist publication, "The Christian Advocate," spoke at the third night session of his church's big General Conference here. Also chairman of the Methodist World Peace Commission, Dr. Smith said "it necessary to sacrifice principles in making possible effort to avoid conflict." Thirty-nine per cent of the nation's farms are operated by tenants today compared with less than 30 per cent 50 years ago. Let Um Measure: Your Home For VENETIAN BLINDS BALL INC. YOUR QUALIFIED ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR FURROW ELECTRIC CO.

12 Fourth Street Phone 162; King Rogers GROCERY PROMPT FREE Phone DELIVERY 900 Fifth 6t 33 TRY White Seal HOG FOOD and POULTRY MASHES SHANKEL MILL. CO. Fancy Pretending Today the Senate took up still another bill--a stopgap one to extend the FHA power through May, 1948. In order to get it on the floor the Senate had to do a little fancy pretending that today was two days instead of one. Senate rules prevented the bill from being debated on this particular day, so the chamber adjourned for half a minute.

Then it reconvened, the chaplain offered prayer again, and thus started another "day." U. T. Enrollments Ralph Erskine Roberts of Mountain City and Dexter Ball of Kingsport have enrolled for the spring quarter at the University of Tennessee junior college at Martin. Total enrollment for Tennessee students is 514. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD FORD FURNITURE COMPANY 23 Sixth St Main St.


Phone 750 Yes! WE CAN SUPPLY WAYNE CHICK STARTER AMCO FEED STORE 24 4th St. Ph. 931 Ask about our new GERMASTER Sterilizing and Deodorizing Service. BOSTON SHOE SHOP 702 State Street-Bristol, Tenn. SAVE to ON Jewelry Watches Diamonds UNCLE SAM'S LOAN OFFICE Corner 7th and State CALL.

3945 or 2659-L for FREE ESTIMATES ON Venetian Blinds Furnaces Stokers Roofing Asbestos Siding Rock Wool Metal Groove Type Weather Stripping Completely installed. No down payment required. EASY TERMS GARDNER EQUIPMENT CO. Piedmont and Goode Sis. Jim Bryan.


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.