Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (2024)

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10 Harmful Effects Of Soft Drinks | In Urdu

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (1)

Not only do soft drinks offer no nutrition, they also contain harmful chemicals. Numerous studies have shown the negative health effects of drinking soda on your waistline and your teeth. Drinking soda, however, has far more serious health risks than many of us may realize. Their high sugar content, often high-fructose corn syrup, can cause diabetes and affect the heart and liver. So What Are The Risks and How Much Soda Is Too Much? The caramel color in cola and the chemicals in the containers are also linked to cancer. Drink infused water or kombucha instead. Soft drinks can cause diabetes, asthma, heart, liver, and kidney disease, bone loss, tooth decay, and cancer..
1. Soda can cause a decline in kidney function..
2. Soda increases diabetes risk..
3. Caramel coloring in soda is linked to cancer..
4. Soda increases heart disease in men..
5. Soda contains artificial sweeteners..
6. Raises Obesity Risk In Children.
7. Leads To Bone Fractures.
8. Can Cause Kidney Trouble.
9. Can Disrupt Sleep etc.
Team Member: Waqas Nasir.

Video taken from the channel: INFOTIVATION

5 SHOCKING Things COCA COLA DOES TO YOUR BODY! (co*ke Health Facts, Risks, Effects and Benefits)

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (2)

In this short video, we look at 5 effects (backed by science) of drinking co*ke regularly in terms of health facts, risks, effects, and if there are any benefits..
Several questions were answered including: What happens to your body if you drink too much co*ke? Is it bad to drink co*ke every day? How much of co*ke is harmful? Any long-term side effects of Coca-Cola? Why is Coca-Cola bad for your health?
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Even though I am a medical doctor, the information I supply here is “general information” and, therefore, does not serve as specific diagnosis and treatment for your particular health challenge. If you require personalized diagnosis and therapy for your specific medical condition, consult with a medical doctor personally. Also, even though I occasionally recommend some strong drugs, products, and supplements in some videos, I will give this serious instruction: Don’t use them indiscriminately or without expert prescription..

Video taken from the channel: Ask Dr. Malik

How Coca Cola Lies to the World

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (3)

It’s more addictive than cocaine. It’s the cause of a plethora of illnesses. And it’s been sold to you as part of the biggest mass brainwashing ever �� Subscribe to our channel and join us in spreading something far healthier…the truth ��
Introducing Coca Cola! And Vishen Lakhiani is about to tell you what they don’t want you to know….
So co*ke spreads happiness? In reality, they’re spreading diabetes and poor gut health ��.
There’s over 70 grams of sugar in ONE can of coca-cola, equating to the weight of a large tennis ball! ��.
And even if you opt for Coca Cola Zero, the sugar free version of the product, the artificial sweeteners actively destroy the delicate balance of bacteria in your intestines. This is actually more harmful to your health long term than the original co*ke ��.
This, amongst other manipulative, unethical practises of the company…we’re NOT ok with here at Mindvalley. And it’s one of our missions to raise awareness about one of the biggest enemies of health and wellness in the world today ��.
So if you too want to be on the leading edge of humanity’s Coca Cola awareness revolution, feel free to share this video, edit it, dub it in your language, put it on your YouTube channel…anything you need to do to spread the word!
#Subscribe #CocaCola #VishenLakhiani

Video taken from the channel: Mindvalley

Is co*ke Safe To Drink? Conversation With Coca-Cola’s CEO | CNA Insider

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (4)

Do sugar taxes work? Will Coca Cola go alcoholic? And is it safe to drink when you can clean toilets with it? CEO John Quincey talks to Conversation With.

Video taken from the channel: CNA Insider

Coca cola Experiments – Multi purpose cleaner (documentary) (WARNING SODA DEADlY!!) official 2015

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (5)

WARNING SODA DEADlY! Video official 2015.
Coca cola Experiments – Multi purpose cleaner (documentary).
1 Article: Santé Nature Innovation par Docteur Jean-Marc Dupuis
2 Reportage France 2, la recette secrète:
3 http://killerco*
4 – Pollution un Inde reportage ARTE.
5Aspartame véritable génocide.
Le sucre raffiné le plus doux de tous les poisons:
Coca écoute sa soif en Inde..

Video taken from the channel: Fabien Caron

What Coca-Cola Doesn’t Want You to Know

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (6)

There’s something that’s making me very uncomfortable about co*ke…In this video, I’ll tell you what they don’t want you to know. Subscribe to my channel and join us in spreading something far healthier…the truth ��
So co*ke spreads happiness? In reality, it sounds like they’re spreading diabetes and poor gut health to me..
And on that subject…did you know scientists are finding that most of your ‘happiness’ actually comes from your delicate gut microbiota? The very thing that co*ke actively destroys?
I swear this is the biggest mass brainwashing known to man…����.
But we are waking up. So if you want to be on the leading edge of humanity’s revolution, please feel free to share this video, edit it, dub it in your language, put it on your YouTube channel…anything you need to do to spread the word and spread this truth..
#Subscribe #Happiness #VishenLakhiani

Video taken from the channel: Vishen

Side Effects of co*ke | Soft Drinks Side Effects You Must Know

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Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (7)

Do you know how harmful it is for our body!! Let’s see what exactly happens in our body within 60 minutes of having co*ke.One can of co*ke contains around 8 to 10 teaspoons of Sugar, which is much more than 6 teaspoon of limit prescribed by WHO for 1 full day consumption. And drinking so much of sugar on the go, should be like a shock to our body and it should not digest. But, it contains Phosphoric acid as well, which allows the drink to go through. Due to high sugar intake, blood sugar level increases within 20 minutes of Drinking. Liver then turns high amount of Sugar into carbohydrate. Within 40 minutes, all the Caffeine present in the co*ke will be absorbed and the blood pressure increases. Then Dopamine is released. It is a hormone which gives us feeling of pleasure. Because of this, the interest in co*ke increases and it becomes a kind of addiction. After 60 minutes, the Phosphoric acid which came with co*ke will bind the essential minerals like Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium already present in the intestine. You will get an urge to urinate and water which was present in co*ke, along with these essential minerals will be out of your body. These minerals, otherwise would have been absorbed by the body as per its need. One solution would be to switch to drinks having no sugar like Diet co*ke. Which is way better than co*ke itself. Diet drinks generally contain Aspartame which is safe to use in limits. Actually it is much better than sugar but excess of anything is not good.Diet co*ke also contains caffeine which is harmful above recommended amount. Also, the Calcium present in the body Is reduced by the Effect of Diet co*ke as well, which is not something you would ever want to happen, considering the fact that it plays an important role in our bones, muscles and heart.

Video taken from the channel: The Mind Capsule

According to the infographic, the way that Coca-Cola stimulates these centers is comparable to the effects of heroin. It triggers a person’s urge to drink another can. An hour after drinking the.Writer Wade Meredith traced the path of a Coca-Cola after it is consumed. Within the first 20 minutes, the body synthesizes the equivalent of 10 teaspoons of sugar, causing a blood sugar spike and massive insulin secretion by the pancreas.

Within 60 minutes of drinking the soda, the sugar and insulin have passed through the digestive system.4) Obesity and Diabetes: Obesity was never a major problem when Coca Cola or similar products were not introduced. But with an advent of.Bad Side Effects of co*ke The first two ingredients listed on a can of Coca-Cola, or co*ke, are water and high fructose corn syrup.

Add to that some phosphoric acid, caffeine and caramel coloring, and you have a dark mixture of questionable nutritional content that can result in all sorts of negative side effects if consumed in high quantities.Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, dyspepsia, neurasthenia, headache, and impotence. But in 1903 Coca-Cola removed cocaine from the formula, started using caffeine and started dropping all the medicinal claims.Another study observed that Coca-Cola Light, which differs from co*ke Zero only in that it contains both phosphoric and citric acid, caused enamel and tooth erosion in freshly extracted cow’s.

Liver damage, tooth decay, kidney disease, diabetes, heartburn, osteoporosis, hypertension, heart disease, and impaired digestion. According to a pharmacist at the University of Wales, Cola has the same kind of immediate effect on the brain as the illicit drug, heroin. This is.Coca-Cola, like many sugary sodas, also increases your long-term risk of developing certain diseases.

Drinking one 12-ounce can of co*ke can increase your risk of dying from heart disease by 33%. Drink two, and you may up your chance of developing diabetes by as much as a.The cocaine found in coca can cause an increase in brain activity and have numbing (anesthetic) effects.

Cocaine is highly addictive.doctors have warned us about the negative effects of drinking coca-cola for years some people just can’t seem to break their addiction to the fizzy drink even after they know how bad it can be for them from having chemical effects on your brain to causing dental erosion these are 10 things that happen to your body when you drink coca-cola 10 minutes you just cracked open your can of.Negative Health Effects Coca-Cola is generally accepted as an unhealthy drink, this is proven through the fact that over-consumption often leads to obesity and in one case death. However, aside from its abundance of carbohydrates, Coca-Cola.

Coca-Cola has been accused of dehydrating communities in its pursuit of water resources to feed its own plants, drying up farmers’ wells and destroying local agriculture. The company has also violated workers’ rights in countries such as Colombia, Turkey, Guatemala and Russia.Worldwide people drink over billions of liters of softdrinks like Pepsi, Coca Cola, Mirinda & Mountain Dew.

We checked Coca Cola, Mirinda, Pepsi & Mountain Dew for sugar contents and were.Here are all nasty side effects of your favorite soft drink. Pepsi helps to gain weight Drinking regular Pepsi causes gaining weight.

No shock there, but the areas of the fat build up should give you pause. Researchers found that people who drink diet Pepsi have a 75 percent increase in waist circumference over the ten years study, compared.Another scary factor with co*ke Zero is that it contains caramel coloring, which has a host of negative effects.

Just to mention a couple: this stuff has been proven to decrease white blood cell count (white blood cells help keep us from getting sick) and is a.

List of related literature:

A company spokesman assured consumers, “It may make you feel sick, but it is not harmful” As part of a damage control exercise, co*ke sent a team of scientists to Europe.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (8)
fromInternational Business Management
by Pradip Kumar Sinha, Sanchari Sinha
Excel Books, 2009

There was potential for the public to jump to the incorrect conclusion that co*ke must be highly toxic and it would be undesirable to have this type of reaction going on in the stomach.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (9)
fromSocialnomics: How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business
by Erik Qualman
Wiley, 2012

Coca’s effects on general physical health remain uncertain.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (10)
fromThe Encyclopedia of Addictive Drugs
by Richard Lawrence Miller
Greenwood Press, 2002

It was later established that the reported health problems had not been caused by Coca-Cola products, but by acting swiftly and behaving consistently with its brand promise, the company gained, rather than lost, trust with customers.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (11)
fromSmart Trust
by Stephen M. R. Covey
Simon & Schuster UK, 2012

Steven Blair, an influential exercise scientist who was part of Coca-Cola’s efforts, was publicly quoted as saying, “Most of the focus in the popular media and in the scientific press is, ‘Oh they’re eating too much, eating too much, eating too much’ – blaming fast food, blaming sugary drinks and so on…

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (12)
fromDigital Influence: Unleash the Power of Influencer Marketing to Accelerate Your Global Business
by Joel Backaler, Peter Shankman
Springer International Publishing, 2018

Although some of the mortality was likely due to comorbid infectious diseases, poor diet, and harsh working conditions, this is an early record of the negative consequences of coca leaf use.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (13)
fromPrinciples of Addiction: Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1
by Peter M. Miller
Elsevier Science, 2013

Pemberton claimed Coca-Cola cured many diseases, including morphine addiction, indigestion, nerve disorders, headaches, and impotence.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (14)
frome-Pedia: Captain America: Civil War: Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
by Contributors, Wikipedia
e-artnow, 2017

Coca-Cola made a huge PR error in 1999 when it failed to make any media statement for three days after a poisoning scare occurred at its canning/bottling plant in Belgium.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (15)
fromAdvanced Brand Management: Managing Brands in a Changing World
by Paul Temporal
Wiley, 2011

caused fatal cardiovascular problems in o The original Coca-Cola was a cocaine-º unsuspecting athletes and was recently removed

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (16)
fromDrugs and Society
by Glen R. Hanson, Peter J. Venturelli, Annette E. Fleckenstein
Jones and Bartlett Publishers, 2006

The entry of Coca-Cola led to a period of very rapid growth in the cola sector, which persisted into the 1970s, but stabilized during the past decade at around 30% of the total volume of carbonated soft drink consumption.

Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (17)
fromSunk Costs and Market Structure: Price Competition, Advertising, and the Evolution of Concentration
by John Sutton
MIT Press, 1991

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  1. Is Coca Cola Healthy
  2. How you can Barbecue a Brisket With Coca-Cola
  3. How you can Prepare a Pork Roast With Coca-Cola
  4. Health Coca-Cola Versus. co*ke Zero
  5. Do you know the Advantages of Coca Tea
  6. Bloating and Putting On Weight With Diet Cola
Bad Results of Coca-Cola - Nutrition | (2024)
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Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

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Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.