Shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, a stream of articles began to appear in Western media proposing that the neo-fascist philosopher Aleksandr Dugin is variously “Putin’s brain”, “Putin’s guru”, or “Putin’s Rasputin” — the grey eminence behind Putin’s foreign policy.
But things aren’t that simple. In fact, Dugin is just one of many radically anti-liberal, anti-Western voices to which Putin can appeal in order to justify his invasion of Ukraine, reaching right up to the Moscow Patriarch Kirill, Head of the Russian Orthodox Church. Yet Dugin continues to exert influence through television appearances and podcasts, on a host of websites, and through his links with political movements such as the Eurasian Youth Union. His prolific array of books and articles find large audiences in Russia, and increasingly over the last decade in the West through far-right and “alt-right” channels.
Leaked US intelligence reports suggest that Putin sent Dugin to Turkey on diplomatic missions in the early 2000s. At events in Iran in 2015, and then in China in 2018, Dugin has promoted the international face of his apocalyptic vision, which involves benign-enough sounding calls for a “multipolar” global order, in which US power would be counterbalanced by a regenerated Russia and other non-Western powers.
Yet, in addition to Dugin’s benefactor — the Russian banker Konstantin Malofeev — the philosopher has ties with such far-right movements as Austria’s Freedom Party, Italy’s League, and France’s National Rally. He has held meetings with Trump’s erstwhile ally Steve Bannon, declared his warm support for the twice-impeached former President, and has never shied away from the most violent attacks on “the West” and its “modernity”, which he accuses America and her allies of illegitimately spreading around the world.
The assassination of Dugin’s daughter, Daria Dugina, earlier this week seems to have been intended for him. This confirms that someone sees his role in the present conflict in Ukraine as significant enough to warrant an attempt to silence him, with effects we are yet to see.
A philosopher-activist
Dugin’s ideas are a kind of syncretistic hodgepodge of concepts drawn from several philosophical and quasi-religious sources. These include: the radically anti-modern traditionalism of figures like Italian ultra-fascist Julius Evola; the interwar German “conservative revolution” which assisted in bringing down the Weimar republic, led by Carl Schmitt and Martin Heidegger; so-called esoteric Nazism; the French nouvelle droite led by Alain de Benoist; and, finally, older Russian thinkers led by Lev Gumilev (who Putin has directly invoked in speeches) and novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky’s mystical sense of Russia’s exceptional spirituality.
What makes Dugin different from many other philosophers is that he ties these metaphysical ideas to two concrete political claims. Firstly, in line with earlier “Eurasianist” ideas, Dugin asserts that Russia has an imperial calling “based on its continental identity and the need to interact with, and control the steppic world”. Second, he upholds that a form of religiously sponsored autocracy constitutes Russia’s natural form of government. This makes it utterly foreign to Western political forms, led by any form of cultural, economic, or political liberalism.
So, while it is facile to “blame” Dugin for Putin’s war, reading his work can help us to better understand the growing anti-liberal, anti-American, and above all “anti-globalist”, anti-cosmopolitanconsensus which has been consolidating in Russia with Kremlin support, and its role in the present escalation.
The “Ukrainian problem”
Dugin wrote in his 1997 book, Foundations of Geopolitics:
The sovereignty of Ukraine represents such a negative phenomenon for Russian geopolitics that it can, in principle, easily provoke a military conflict … Ukraine as an independent state … constitutes an enormous threat to the whole Eurasia and without the solution of the Ukrainian problem, it is meaningless to talk about continental geopolitics.
When he was asked in 2008 about the development of friendly relations between the United States and former Soviet Republics, Dugin pronounced that Russia should consider such relations a “declaration of psychological, geopolitical, economic and open war”. In another interview in the same year, Dugin warned that if Ukraine should take steps to join NATO or the EU, “the Russian reaction would be to support an uprising in the Eastern parts and Crimea and I could not exclude the entrance of armed forces there …”
The previous year, in fact, Dugin had been exiled from Ukraine, and the Eurasian Youth Union he founded in 2005 had been prosecuted for actions it had undertaken in association with the Donetskaia republica movement, which were directed at undermining Ukrainian sovereignty. In 2014, as Russia illegally annexed Crimea, he would lose his job at a Moscow university after going online and urging his followers: “I think we should kill, kill, kill [Ukrainians], there can’t be any other talk.”
It is hardly surprising, then, that Dugin enthusiastically welcomed the February invasion of Ukraine. For him, this invasion promised a final “liberation” of Ukraine from Western influence, and through this “a total change in the architecture of the entire global world order”. Dugin’s almost cosmic framing of this conflict echoes Patriarch Kirill’s claim that the present invasion entails a “metaphysical war” with the pro-LGBTIQA+ West. Much like Kirill’s sermon, it also provides an ideological/theological justification for the most horrific atrocities.
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Dugin’s sacred geography
In his essay “From Sacred Geography to Geopolitics”, Dugin contends that his more concrete deliberations on Eurasian geopolitics involve a “laicizing and desacralizing” of older, allegedly more profound "traditional" sciences, beyond the reckoning of all but a spiritual elite. According to these esoteric sciences, concrete economic and political events reflect in Truth (with a capital “T”) the continuing playing out of eternal conflicts between opposed metaphysical and spiritual forces: those of Land-based, traditional civilisations rooted in the soil (with Russia as their head), and Sea-based, “Atlanticist”, mercantile civilisations, permanently prone to expansion (with the United States and UK at their head).
And this intellectual translation of material political affairs into the mythological language of cosmic conflict has a number of profound implications. If, as Dugin insists, the world we experience is the battleground of metapolitical-spiritual forces, then, by virtue of belonging to or allying themselves with “the West”, entire populations become existential enemies (to invoke the language of one of Dugin’s heroes, the German jurist Carl Schmitt). It is a matter of who they are, not what they do — individual culpability or suffering is nothing in light of the greater metaphysical struggle.
Likewise, small “t” factual truth — about who did what, when, to whom — begins to waver, and with it any accountability for even the most unprovoked acts of aggression or hatred.
This “Kingdom of the anti-Christ”
As Russia and her allies are positioned “in a pure spiritual, metaphysical sense”, so the West is homogenised and demonised, independent of its manifold divisions and competing directions. As Dugin writes: “The West has the opposite symbolic meaning [to Eurasia]. It is a ‘country of death’, the ‘lifeless world’ … ‘the empire of exile’, ‘the pit of the rejected’ …” One cannot, therefore, wisely or righteously seek out compromise or mutual understanding with this “Kingdom of the anti-Christ”.
What happens, then, if these “Satanic” forces which have insinuated themselves into Ukraine appear to operate in non-violent ways —for instance, by electing a Jewish President initially interested in reconciliation with Russia, like Volodymyr Zelenskyy? Or if the governments of Eastern European nations decide to draw closer to the EU, and join NATO to ensure their security from an increasingly bellicose Russia?
Dugin’s political religion gives you the answer: the enemy is a great deceiver. What appears to be a democratically elected government is actually a “Nazi” one; multicultural societies involve the “genocide” of “peoples”, even when there is no body count; the Ukrainian people who lost more lives proportionally fighting the Nazis than Russia herself in the Second World War is as a whole “nazified”; one can even play on “NATO” and “Nazi” with a knowing smirk.
If geopolitics is the staging ground for the cosmic struggle between good forces and hateful, deceitful, tradition-destroying forces, then violence — including the present conflict in Ukraine —is itself to be extolled. Let the masks of the deceivers fall or be made to fall. Every appeal to compromise or restraint represent weakness and deceit, and an inability to face up to the deep essence of reality, which is — as Dugin extols — war:
Two positions which could not be brought together, two all-encompassing super-worldviews, two mutually exclusive projects of the future of mankind. Between them is only enmity, hatred, brutal struggle according to rules and without rules, for extermination, to the last drop of blood. Between them are heaps of corpses, millions of lives, endless centuries of suffering and heroic deeds … [T]his will be decided by war. The “father of things”.
“The end of days … will not come by itself”
At its most extreme point, Dugin’s sense of Russia’s messianic war against the West culminates in an eschatological fascination with the apocalypse. As he writes in The Fourth Political Theory:
The end times and the eschatological meaning of politics will not realize themselves on their own. We will wait for the end in vain … The end of days should come; but it will not come by itself. This is a task, it is not a certainty. It is active metaphysics. It is a practice.
At this point, one can only express the ardent hope, for everyone’s sake — including the Russian people’s — that Dugin continues to be considered far too extreme to have any direct influence on Vladimir Putin’s decisions.
But the threats of nuclear strikes, the gaslighting before the war (remember Putin’s insistence that “there were no invasion plans” and that this was Western paranoia), the accusation that Ukrainians have staged a genocide in order to discredit Russia, Putin’s calls for the inner cleansing of the Russian people (which is to say, eradication of dissidents and the disloyal), and the clear positioning of the war with Ukraine as a clash of two civilisational blocs (with the Ukrainians as mere Western proxies) — all of these point to the degree to which, whatever the economic and geopolitical reasons behind Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine, the Russian government increasingly resembles Aleksandr Dugin’s bellicose apocalypticism.
“Absolutely empty and disgusting place”
In a telling reflection on his early life, Dugin has confessed:
My intellectual formation happened in 1979-1980 when becoming acquainted with the Traditionalists of the “third way” … I was 17-18 years old and saw the world as absolutely empty and disgusting. This emptiness had to be filled with something … the only thing which could fill this gigantic inner emptiness which I had was the total rejection of everything modern … That is how I was formed.
This week, this man who has long urged the Russian people to live by the sword and embrace their messianic role in world history, has seen his own calls for violence answered with violence against his own family.
We must hope that the death of Daria Dugina is not taken up by extreme forces within Russia and used to precipitate the kind of apocalypse Dugin himself has sometimes rhapsodised. And when the conflict finally ends, every step must be taken to prevent the world resembling the “absolutely empty and disgusting place” which has always fuelled eschatological political religions like Dugin’s, and has littered our battlefields with corpses.
Matthew Sharpe is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Deakin University.
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