5 Secret + Guide Clash of Clans Tall Grass Art in Builder Base (2024)

The Builder Base in Clash of Clans has not only brought new freshness with new game modes and new troops, but also bizarre innovations in terms of aesthetics disenchanted or ignored by most Clashers: tall grass. Many players have analyzed this special obstacle and have discovered how to get it to their advantage by creating fantastic effects and ornaments in the village: in this guide we will collect some hidden secrets about how to create writings or drawings with the tall grass.

5 Secret + Guide Clash of Clans Tall Grass Art in Builder Base (1)

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Tall Grass Art: Best Hidden Secrets

Tall grass is a new obstacle that grows exclusively in the builder’s base, can be removed easily for free or at a minimum cost. In this article we will show you some of the best artworks available and give you explanations about its growth, in short, you will become, besides great warriors, even the perfect gardener!

1. How many tall grass grows and where does it grow?

The tall grass grows constantly only in the builder base and around special buildings: Ancient barbarian statue (you can build up to 2) and in the absence of this, around the battle machine altar.

5 Secret + Guide Clash of Clans Tall Grass Art in Builder Base (2)

Example of square growth near the barbarian statue.

Each obstacle (2x Ancient barbarian statue, Battle Machine altar) allows you to grow 25 tall grass pieces for a total of 50 pieces. A curiosity: the number of 50 pieces allows you to write the word ‘Clash’ perfectly.

2. Can the Tall Grass be permanently removed?

The tall grass, just like the real life one, if removed keeps growing. It can not be completely removed: in our case, it is something positive so our art will not be removed. As you have seen, even removing all the tall grass pieces, it keeps growing. Even removing the 2 barbarian statues, the grass would resume growing around the Hero’s altar, as specified in the previous paragraph. The only chance you have is to hide it, covering the entire space in the Builder Base, which is currently not possible.

3. The tall grass doesn’t grow only around statues

It may actually seem like an inconsistency, but it is not so: tall grass tends to grow around the Statues, however, it continues to grow randomly. In this way creating a perimeter and delimiting its growth is really simple! To allow perfect growth, you can use your village structures or just use the walls. As you can see in the following screenshot, in facts, placing various buildings horizontally or vertically requires the grass to grow straight.

4. Some players have been banned for abuse of tall grass: is that possible?

Yes, there have been cases of ban due to the use of tall grass art, but the cause is always an abuse. Just like the layouts that can be constructed using pieces of walls on Clash of Clans, tall grass allows you to create, even if small, drawings or writing on the ground: many players have taken this opportunity to ‘draw’ logos about, sexual or racist things etc.

5. How to shape writings and remove tall grass

Once you have a bush of tall grass you can start designing…:

  • By removing them with the Builder, using 50 elixir
  • By placing on it buildings, so the removal will be free.

Guide on how to Calculate and Draw with Tall Grass

If you want to write or draw with the tall grass, what you will need is:

  • Sheet of squared paper,
  • Pencil,
  • Patience…

With only 50 pieces, you have to create not too long writings or drawings, for example symbols like the heart, a smiley or a sun. Take the sheet of paper and pencil and start writing, paying attention to covering the squares and calculating them as if they were high grass pieces; here’s an example.

In the example, the word ‘Livio’ includes a few pieces, in total only 32. Below is another writing with the word ‘Ultra’, created by the member of our Clan Torri Diamante, Ultras.

5 Secret + Guide Clash of Clans Tall Grass Art in Builder Base (3)

Once you have decided and confirmed what you want to write, buy the second Barbaric Statue and make the grass grow using buildings to delimit growth or personalizing it using village structures.

Tall Grass Art Layout Gallery

Here are some nice tall grass artworks we found. Feel free to share yours onthis thread in the Italian Forum(you can do so in english, too).

Lastly, a video that shows you some guide steps.

5 Secret + Guide Clash of Clans Tall Grass Art in Builder Base (2024)
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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.